Friday, June 20, 2008

is on brain overload

been a hell of the past few weeks at school and work, don't know what day is what really anymore. So i took the day off today cause i really needed it bad, will probably get in trouble at work tomorrow but oh well when aren't i in trouble at that damn place. Can't wait to have my first two microsoft certification's so i can quit that place and maybe be able to enjoy the weekends again and actually see family and friends, might even help with the depression i've been having lately, for those of you that actually talked to me yeah i hide it well don't i? but yeah haven't seen family or friends really in 2 years and i miss them both a lot and with the new job who knows i might even be able to start and keep a relationship going. ah well i am really tired and will be ending this here, maybe i'll post another one tomorrow to let ya know if i got in trouble or not at work HAHAHA! FUCK THEM.

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